Protect your farm from thrips and whitefly with Kata Control.

Effective pest control with Kata


Effective control of thrips and whitefly with Kata Control.

Thrips (Thysanoptera) and whitefly (Aleyrodidae) are insidious pests that can wreak havoc on tomato farms, and effective control using Kata Control spray oil is rooted in scientific precision. 

Thrips are notorious for their rasping-sucking mouthparts, which puncture plant cells, leading to stippling, distortion, and silvering of leaves. Whitefly nymphs and adults feed on plant sap, causing yellowing, wilting, and leaf curling. Both pests can disrupt the normal photosynthetic process, reducing crop vigor.

Whitefly is a vector for plant viruses, such as Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Thrips, too, can transmit viruses like Tomato spotted wilt virus. These diseases can lead to severe yield loss and affect the quality of tomato fruit. 

Honeydew excreted by whitefly can serve as a substrate for sooty mold growth, further reducing photosynthesis efficiency and fruit quality.

Technical advantages with Kata Control:

  1. Lethal Asphyxiation: Kata Control spray oil employ a finely calibrated molecular composition that ensures a suffocating embrace upon contact with thrips and whitefly. Through the optimization of fluid dynamics, our oil encapsulate and saturate the insects, inducing an irreversible physiological collapse. This lethal asphyxiation mechanism guarantees precise pest control.
  2. Disruption of Respiratory Function: By adhering to the spiracles of thrips and whitefly, Kata Control spray oil disrupt the delicate equilibrium of their respiratory apparatus. This perturbation hinders oxygen exchange, leading to physiological impairment and eventual mortality. The application of our oil thus serves as a microcosmic respiratory dissonance against these pests.
  3. Deterrent Phytochemicals: A substructure of our Kata Control spray oil comprises biocompatible deterrence compounds that act as natural pheromone disruptors, disorienting the sensory reception of thrips and whitefly. This confusion ultimately curtails their colonization and feeding behavior, bolstering crop protection.
  4. Cuticular Penetration Enhancement: Kata Control spray oil is engineered to maximize cuticular penetration efficiency. The oil traverse the epicuticular wax barriers of host plants with precision, delivering an all-encompassing defense against thrips and whitefly. This assures that no feeding or oviposition sites remain invulnerable.
  5. Residue Mitigation: Beyond their technical composition, Kata Control spray oil is designed for residue mitigation, preventing post-application artifacts on plant surfaces. This ensures that your crop remains aesthetically untarnished while simultaneously ensuring pest control efficiency.
  6. Enhanced IPM: When integrated into an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy, Kata Control spray oil optimizes the sustainability of pest control. 
  7. Organic farming: Kata Control spray oil is certified organic by Kiwa BCS, it can be used in organic and sustainable farming systems, reducing the reliance on synthetic pesticides and the preservation of natural predators promote ecological balance in tomato farms.

Kata Control spray oil technical intricacies offer a multi-faceted approach to control thrips and whitefly on tomato farms. This solution encompasses barrier protection, contact lethality, residual deterrence, and suffocation, all while promoting sustainable, environmentally conscious practices. By embracing this precision control strategy, tomato farmers can fortify their crops against these voracious pests and safeguard their yield and quality.

Benefits of bee pollination on tomato with Kata Control for conventional farms and greenhouses farms:

Tomatoes are an important crop worldwide, and bee pollination is critical to their productivity and quality. Kata Control spray oil can play an important role in maximizing the benefits of bee pollination in tomato farms. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Improved pollination efficiency: Bee pollination can increase tomato yield by up to 30%, but this depends on effective pollen transfer. Kata Control spray oil can help to improve the efficiency of bee pollination by reducing pollen loss due to wind or rain. By forming a thin film on the flowers, Kata Control spray oil can increase the adhesion of pollen and help to prevent it from falling off.
  2. Reduced stress on bees: Bees are vulnerable to stress factors such as high temperatures, pesticides, and disease. Kata Control spray oil can help to reduce stress on bees by providing a protective barrier against pesticide residues and reducing heat stress. This can help to improve the health and survival of bees, leading to more effective pollination and higher yields.
  3. Enhanced plant health: Kata Control spray oil can also contribute to improved plant health in tomato farms. By reducing pest and disease pressure, Kata Control spray oil can improve the overall health and resilience of tomato plants, leading to higher yields and better quality fruit.
  4. Environmentally friendly: Kata Control spray oil is a safe and environmentally friendly option for use in tomato farms. It breaks down quickly in the environment and does not accumulate in the food chain, making it a sustainable choice for growers. Kata Control is certified as 100% biodegradable.  
  5. Easy application: Kata Control spray oil can be easily applied using conventional sprayers, making it a convenient option for growers. It can be applied at different stages of plant growth, depending on the pollination needs and pest and disease pressure.

The benefits of bee pollination on tomato farms are many, and Kata Control spray oil can help to maximize these benefits. By improving pollination efficiency, reducing stress on bees, enhancing plant health, and providing an environmentally friendly option for growers, Kata Control spray oil can contribute to a more sustainable and productive tomato industry.